Like many other twenty-something’s and women of reproductive age, my period used to rule my life. My period would dictate my mood and my activities for the day. My period would sometimes be helpful by getting me out of a gym class here and there or avoid household chores. More times though, it would make me cry from […]

Bringing up the discussion on privilege is a sensitive one. We feel personally and inherently attacked when people bring up how much we have. “Haters are just jealous.” I think there is some truth to that. Trust me, there is a lot to be jealous about.

Do you know this man? This is Dr. George Tiller, from Wichita Kansas. He was a Family Medicine doctor who was quite notorious: He owned and practiced in one of the only late-term abortion clinics in the United States during the 1970’s. There were only three in the nation at that time. Dr. Tiller, as […]

I know, I’ve sucked. I know I haven’t written in forever, but as all the other cheesy New Year’s Resolutions: I’m back. My biggest motivator to keep writing: Rachel. Rachel was the girl who let me shadow her abortion way back in October. I saw her at the mall with some friends. We were at the […]

Hello again, reader. It is shameful, but I was not able to post my blog this past weekend. I’m happy to inform you that my hiatus was related to fun travelling and not medical school. I had a great weekend with some friends in ol’ NYC. Here is my picture evidence: Even medical students need […]

Before this week’s blogpost, lets answer a poll, shall we. Let me know what you think! I, as most of the medical community at my institution, was recently invited to make an appointment for a lactation room, if I I were to need it. This made my lightbulb switch on. My intention was to go […]

I won’t lie, reader. I have high hopes for you to overlook the fact that it has been two weeks since my last post. Life and Medical school got in the way, but never again. (I hope!) Thank you again for sticking around. Now, to this week’s topic. It is October and all things pink and […]

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

Comprehensive survival guide of a young woman:  Chapter 1: Golden Rules.  -Don’t walk out late at night. -Don’t wear anything too revealing or enticing. -Don’t get into cars with strangers. -Avoid being too trusting with guys. -Don’t be a tease. Chapter 2: Facts and Conditions. If you follow these rules, you should be fine and […]

If you read something on this blog, at least let it be this: Emergency contraceptives, also known as the morning after pill, are NOT to be confused with abortion-inducing medication, such as Mifepristone. The difference between one and the other is that emergency contraceptives WILL NOT terminate a pregnancy, once it has occurred. It has […]